Running’s My Favorite

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After FOUR painstaking, long weeks, I completed my first run post injury this morning!  This depiction of Will Ferrell from Elf fits perfectly with how I’m feeling right now.

This week I was given 2 runs to complete from my physical therapist.  A speed workout and a 5 mile run.  If I complete both of these runs pain-free, I should be released from PT tomorrow morning at my next appointment. The speed workout went ok, I cut short what I had set out to do due to the calf muscle tightening.  So, I was pretty anxious about this morning’s run.  Actually, anxious doesn’t even begin to describe it.  I so badly needed a good run this morning.

I met the BF and we set out in the Drake/Roosevelt neighborhood with our dogs.  Bisou was rearing to go!  My calf was tight starting out.  I took it at a slower pace and just kept telling myself it was going to loosen up.  It had to!  I knew I would have to stop if it didn’t.  I knew I had to be smart about it.  But, I didn’t want to have to be smart.  As we kept running, the calf started to loosen up, but not entirely.  I followed the BF on his regular route until he suggested a detour due to traffic.  His detour would take us past the Art Center through Ashworth Park.  That included a killer hill.  Now, I hate hill running when I’m healthy.  Throw in a strained and still tight calf muscle and I admit, I got cranky on the spot.  As politely as I could muster, I pointed out the hill and that he made a poor a choice in route with someone who’s injured.  I offered my opinion on what would have been a better option and we quickly turned around and headed in that direction.  I’m guessing my “politeness” was not all that polite as we ran in silence for the next few miles.  I did notice that my focusing my thoughts on my irritation with the route took my (obsessive) mind off of my calf muscle and by mile 4, it had completely loosened up.  The last mile felt normal!  It even felt good!

Thank you God! 🙂

Any and all irritation, anxiety, and nerves were gone immediately.  What can I say?  I just like to run.  Running’s my favorite.

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